ABB Group
Tara Has been working at ABB since 2016. Responsible for the marketing, design, video and photography of Robot Systems for North America, She has become a custom to wearing many hats, and hitting changing deadlines in a fast paced environment, while adhering to a strong brand identity.
This is a small sample of the many projects she has completed while at ABB, one of the most notable being the creation and implementation of The Manufacturing Solutions portion of the ABB website.
Tara has been working closely with a global team and the site is set to launch at the beginning of October. Getting Robot Systems or Manufacturing Solutions, as it will be known to customers, on the web required going through a lot of red tape and meant staying with in the current design and layout restrictions of the larger ABB site. Its been a great experience and has taught her a lot about user experience.
Other samples of print ads, photography and video created for ABB can be found in the manufacturing solutions pages of the ABB website here: www.new.abb.com

Manufacturing solutions leaderboard
see our similar live ads here :
Today's Motor Vehicles site: http://www.todaysmotorvehicles.com
AD & P site: https://www.adandp.media

button banner ad
see our similar live ads here :
Today's Motor Vehicles site: http://www.todaysmotorvehicles.com
AD & P site: https://www.adandp.media

Leaderboard banner ad
see our similar live ads here :
Today's Motor Vehicles site: http://www.todaysmotorvehicles.com
AD & P site: https://www.adandp.media

Ad for AD&P trade publication
The ad depicted here was published in print and digitally in the trade publications, Today's Motor Vehicles and AD&P. See digital versions of AD&P magazine here: https://adp.epubxp.com/i/958482-apr-2018
See digital versions of Today's Motor Vehicles here: http://www.todaysmotorvehicles.com/magazine/

ABB Flexible Assembly print ad
The ad depicted here was published in print and digitally in the trade publications, Today's Motor Vehicles and AD&P. See digital versions of AD&P magazine here: https://adp.epubxp.com/i/958482-apr-2018
See digital versions of Today's Motor Vehicles here: http://www.todaysmotorvehicles.com/magazine/

Data sheet
Data sheet used to give a high-level overview to the product details and functionality of the product. These types of washers are used to clean and deburr automotive or other industrial parts after manufacturing.
see downloadable PDF here: http://new.abb.com/products/robotics/application-equipment-and-accessories/robotic-washer-deburr-systems/flexwashers
Other samples of print ads, photography and video I have created for ABB can be found through out the manufacturing solutions pages of the ABB website here: http://new.abb.com/products/robotics/manufacturing-solutions

W60 FlexWasher
Portfolio designed to showcase and market the different functionalities, advantages, and configurations of this industrial washer. These types of washers are used to clean and deburr automotive or other industrial parts after manufacturing.
see downloadable PDF here: http://new.abb.com/products/robotics/application-equipment-and-accessories/robotic-washer-deburr-systems/flexwashers
Other samples of print ads, photography and video I have created for ABB can be found through out the manufacturing solutions pages of the ABB website here: http://new.abb.com/products/robotics/manufacturing-solutions